Monday, May 19, 2008

Love, Possessiveness and Insecuritites

osssessive love, Falling in love is perfectly out of control. When the person you love also loves you in return, it’s a total matter of joy for you.

Having somebody in your life to share your joys, sorrows and everything is a great experience. You’ll always end up having a joyous life.

Possessiveness is one of the elements in a relationship. Everybody is possessive about his/her love. But only thing that’s of concern is the degree of your possessiveness. When it’s in excess, it may end up with broken relationship. If your partner’s excessively possessive about, it’s a matter of headache sometimes. Its natural to feel insecure about losing your love and excessive feeling of insecurity is not always good. Have faith in your love and your dearest person will never let you down if he/she truly loves you.

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